Do you use BIM (Building Information Modeling) or VDC (Virtual Digital Construction)? Both? What’s the difference? If you are asking yourself these questions, and struggling with the answers, you are not alone.
- Sasha Reed, Bluebeam VP of Strategic Development
- Nigel Davies, Director, Evolve Consultancy
- Josh Bone, President, J.Bone Technology
- Brok Howard, Technical Account Manager, dRofus
From Twitter to Bluebeam eXtreme Conference
What started as a lively twitter exchange regarding BIM and VDC culminated in a panel discussion and extended conversation about the value and practical application of collaborative digital technology within the construction industry. With so many different perspectives on this complex topic, Bluebeam VP of Strategic Development Sasha Reed reached out to three professionals well-versed in this world to host a panel at the 2017 Bluebeam eXtreme Conference in Los Angeles.
An Expert Panel
The invited guests included UK-based Nigel Davies, Director of Evolve Consultancy; Josh Bone, President of J.Bone Technology; and Brok Howard, a Technical Account Manager for dRofus. These individuals were hand-picked by Reed not only for their expertise on the subject but also for their diverse backgrounds within the industry, ranging from engineering to construction management and architecture. “I wanted to cut down all the noise regarding digital solutions and have a bare bones discussion to help throw away these acronyms and go back to the heart of what it is that we’re tasked with delivering,” explains Reed.
Technology, People and Process
In this first installment, the panelists and Reed discuss the nuances of BIM and VDC while stripping away the confusion surrounding the acronyms. “I find that’s the biggest challenge for us here in the US,” says Josh Bone. “We get so caught up in the technology, we forget the social side and what goes into managing that process.” Davies puts it this way, “People are more focused about the technology, and what they’re supposed to be doing [with it], rather than what their role actually is.” Given that the UK has recently passed BIM mandates for all-centrally funded work, Davies has seen companies begin to incorporate BIM into their workflows. “But it’s still the same information, the single source of truth that we’ve talked about again and again, the common data environment in the UK where actually the information is all available,” he explains.
Stay tuned for part two of this series where the panelists explore level of development and uncover the secrets of success for BIM implementation.