Point of View: Takeoffs

The Weitz Company’s Greg Martin shares his secrets for supercharging the quantity takeoff process


On large-scale projects, getting quantity takeoffs right can make or break the company’s bottom line. Greg Martin, Senior Manager of Operational Excellence at The Weitz Company, is leading a successful company-wide effort to make takeoffs work harder for the rest of the project team.


  • It’s hard to get consistent execution across offices nationwide
  • Different software was used for takeoff vs. pre-construction vs. construction
  • Data had to be recaptured at each phase


  • Understand who your customer is—and what’s valuable to them—from day one
  • Use an end-to-end tool like Bluebeam® Revu® to capture quantity data
  • Start with a few users and let their success sell the value


  • Project teams save time because data is only created once
  • Using the same tool for drawings and estimates drives efficiency
  • Greater employee satisfaction from seeing the value they provide to coworkers
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